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A refugee mother fleeing Russian invasion of Ukraine with her baby in a shopping cart February 27, 2022
Ukraine Crisis Support

Aid for Ukraine with trust, efficiency, and love

We deliver ambulances and humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees, women, children, and orphans.

We bought an ambulance to save Ukrainian lives.

We delivered aid to Ukrainian victims

A Ukraine Charity Born for the Ukraine Crisis

Our charity team specifically volunteered to relieve the Ukraine crisis with:

1. Humanitarian aid shipments
2. Ukrainian refugee support
3. Ukraine crisis awareness

Send cards and decorations. Then, watch our subsequent delivery videos to see your cards taped to the aid boxes arriving in Ukraine.



Why Support iLoveUkraine

Evelina Breivaite iLoveUkraine Ambassador

My heart breaks for Ukrainian families who got separated, and fathers, husbands, and brothers who had to stay behind and fight for freedom. We have to extend a hand and help those who really need it, and pray for peace!

EvelinaEvelina collected in-kind donations and helped load our first truck load of humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Thank you, Evelina!
Hear more from our ambassadors